UPC Missions
This is a list of Missions that our church directly supports. Either through tangible work or donations
to their cause. If you would like to know more about what we do, please contact the office.

BIRDS in India
BIRDS vision is “a world where all its inhabitants live in complete harmony with each other to maintain and benefit from balanced eco-systems.” BIRDS mission is to create platform for people from all walks of life so that they are able to take necessary action for ensuring ecological stability, safeguarding human dignity, reducing poverty, ensuring minimum standard of living, and bringing in social justice (on account of differences based on gender, disability, social and economical marginalization and displacement). United Presbyterian Church mission teams have visited Bharati Integrated Rural Development Society in Andhra Pradesh, India several times in the past few years to help build the orphanage, create clean water and sanitation projects, in addition to bringing internet-based education to this remote area. Our women’s ministry group sponsors a child.

FISH of Albany
Fish’s principle purpose is to provide temporary services, including shelter, to persons in need. They provide clothing, food, housing, medication and transportation, and more. To learn more about what they do and how we can help, visit their website.

Albany Young Life
Young Life shares Jesus with kids & helps them grow in their faith through four ways—contact work, club, camp and campaigners. They want to make a difference at every middle school, high school, and college campus and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with kids. They encourage involvement in a local church, so as kids fall in love with Christ they can take steps to find their place in the Body of Christ, expressed in a local faith community

Love Inc
Love INC (In the name of Christ) of Linn County is part of a nationwide network of Love INC affiliates. Launched in 2009, we are comprised of 30 partner churches in Linn County and numerous Christians who are mobilized to see the love of Christ in action. They offer many services and act as a clearing house for volunteers to meet people’s needs in the community.

Linn Benton Food Bank
Linn Benton Food Share provides millions of pounds of food every year to our local community through a network of 68 non profit partners. These include food pantries, meal sites, gleaning groups and supplemental agencies. If you are in need of food or would like to help your neighbor, this is the place to start.