Worship Online
We're excited that you’re here. We pray you will discover a warm group of real people dedicated to following our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Join us on Sundays for worship, fellowship and Biblical message. We celebrate Communion the first Sunday of each month.
Prepare for Worship
Bring your device (laptop, tablet, or phone). Have bread / crackers and juice ready for communion the first Sunday of each month.
Visit the website early so you have a chance to troubleshoot if you need to. Bring headphones, remotes, and chargers.
What to expect
Connect by clicking the Facebook button below. Our online worship is a live stream of our service. Your experience will be the
same as those in the Sanctuary. The service includes songs, scripture reading, prayer, and sometimes communion.
If it is past 10:00 am and you are not able to log in, refresh the page.
Send any other issues to upc.av.loft@gmail.com
Click the buttons below to download our Sunday bulletins.