Godly Play
Godly Play is for children 3 years old to 3rd grade. This is where the children learn about God while playing and easy for children to understand. Kids transition from worship to Godly Play after passing the peace in worship.
Creative Minds
Creative Minds is a program we started for our 3rd grade and up youth in the congregation. This group use the technology of Minecraft and combines the love of God into it. There, kids can make worlds, story lines, and scenes from the Bible.
Youth Group
Youth group is for 6th grade kids and up! This group meets once a week every Wednesday at 5:30 pm. These kids have a blast with Pastor Brandon. For more information you can call the office.
Tabitha's Sewing Group
Tabitha's Sewing group is a bunch of people who get together to sew! They make quilts and blankets for people around the church and in our community. They meet once a month on the first Friday from 9-12 pm.
Bus Ministry
The bus ministry is a small group of volunteers that drive our bus each week to go get congregation members for church. If you are able to help, this group always is looking for volunteers!
The Children's Place
The Children's Place is the childcare center in our building! It serves children 6 weeks to 5 years old. You can find more information on their website linked below.
Liturgists are the ones who read the scripture/ prayers in our Sunday worship. All are welcome to be a liturgist! Contact Nancy Goode to volunteer.
Greeter/ Usher
Greeters and Ushers help our congregation on Sundays. Greeters stand at the doors to welcome people to church and show new people where to go. Ushers hand out bulletins and help with finding a place to sit in worship. All are welcome to participate!
We strive to offer music at UPC that represents the talents and interests of our congregation and musicians. Choir meets every Wednesday for rehearsal 7-8:30 pm from September to June.
Choir/ Praise Band
The ministries you see below are how to get connected within our church community.
There are short bios next to each item so you get a glimpse of what that role does in worship
or in every day activities. They are all great ways to get involved!
UPC Ministries