Worship in person at UPC
After you receive your bulletin, enter the sanctuary and sit wherever you like. Children (and their voices) are welcome in worship at United Presbyterian and families are encouraged to worship together. We have activity bags available with crayons, coloring books and other materials for children. We also provide a fully staffed nursery all morning for infants through age 2. After the children's message, children ages 4- 5th grade are welcome to go to Godly Play or Creative Minds. We encourage families to do what works best for them. You can find more information about these groups in our Ministries page. You’ll hear prelude music before the service begins. Find hymnals and Bibles on the back of the pew in front of you.
United Presbyterian practices open communion. This means we welcome every person to the table to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, regardless of age or faith journey. You don’t have to be Presbyterian to receive communion. Anyone who trusts in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is invited to receive communion.
​Communion takes place the first Sunday of each month. An usher will indicate when it is your row’s turn to receive communion. Make your way down the center aisle. A pastor or communion server will offer you a small piece of bread, which you can take in your hand. You may eat the bread. A gluten free option is available - just ask the server. Once you’ve eaten the bread or wafer, another pastor or server will offer you grape juice. ​You can also commune in your seat if you are more comfortable with that. You can ask an usher for the materials.